I'm faced tonight with a difficult decision of what to watch in the background while I update my blog. The choices are: Warriors basketball, Duke vs Clemson basketball, Predator, Anaconda 3, Predator 2, Bring It On: In It To Win It, Lethal Weapon 2, Click, or Titanic. Predictably, I'm watching a combination of Warriors basketball and Predator. "If it bleeds, we can kill it." Aaaah, I love Ah-nold.
Earlier this week, I got to go up to Tahoe (technically, Soda Springs) for Monday and Tuesday to go boarding at Sugar Bowl. Went with Jon and TC and Judy. Jon is a friend of mine who I've known since 7th grade when he moved here from Texas, TC is his wife, and Judy is a friend of theirs and mine. We left SF early on Monday morning after grabbing some food at The Bagelry and La Boulange (oh my goodness, that was tasty) and drove through rain and snow the entire way up and managed to arrive somewhere around 11:30am. Jon and I headed up to Sugar Bowl and did a half day of boarding. The snow was amazing and there was no one on the mountain. It helped that we were boarding in the middle of a blizzard. The second ride up the lift, a gust of wind came over a ridge that chilled us to the core and blew our seats around a bit. It was about then that I thought we were doing something that wasn't too smart. We got four runs in before getting worried that Jon's car might get snowed in, so we took off. It was a good re-introduction to boarding.
Oh, here are a couple more Predator quotes:
"Bullshit. You ain't afraid of no man."
"There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man."
"We're all gonna die."
We ate a very tasty stew on Monday night and then watched a Korean movie called The Host. Think Cloverfield crossed with Godzilla. It wasn't nearly as scary as it could have been. If you're looking for a good thriller and you are not all that big into horror movie, it would be a good one to watch. It mixes comedy and horror pretty well, but you aren't missing anything if you miss it.
After a leisurely morning, we headed back out to Sugar Bowl on Tuesday and got up to the slopes around noon. Jon, TC, and I went up for a few runs while Judy headed out for her lesson. Since at least a foot of snow was dumped on us overnight, the conditions were fantastic. Plus it just kept on snowing while we were out there. And on a Tuesday, hardly anyone was out there. Aside from the poor visibility and bone-chilling wind gusts, it was perfect. I tried a couple of ollies for the first time ever and managed to ride down the mountain very well on my regular side and also on my switch side. On the last run, I went down without stopping and felt terrific. I am TOTALLY hooked and am looking forward to my next trip up.
OK, gotta run out to a Sinister Dexter show. I'll update again soon. I hope.
"I'm gonna have me some fun."
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