Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sick on a Saturday

I guess it could be worse. But still, whether you're working or not, it's no fun being sick on a Saturday. It does mean that I get to watch the Giants play game #5 of the season and I also watched an amazing third round of the Master's (golf).

I know, I know, golf? Amazing? Rarely do those two words end up in the same sentence. I don't watch too much golf on TV, but as someone who plays golf (poorly) and as a Tiger Woods fan, I can definitely appreciate golf on TV. And today was pretty exciting. In a 30-minute stretch, Phil Mickelson went from being 7 under par to 12 under. He went eagle-eagle-birdie. Meanwhile, a bunch of other golfers were getting hot, too. It actually made the last few holes of coverage anti-climactic. For those of you who don't follow golf, that sort of run is rare. It would be like a baseball team scoring 8 runs in an inning.

Anyway, the golf coverage did give me this commercial for the Bernard Harris Summer Science Program. The program itself seems really well-intentioned and hopefully it is successful. I just think that the writers of the ad should have been more careful in their word choice. About 7 seconds in, the sentence is, "Fortunately, we already have lots of bright, curious kids right here." Now on paper, it reads pretty straight-forward. On the ad, it sounds like the narrator is saying, "Fortunately, we already have lots of bi-curious kids right here." Sure, it might just be me and my dirty mind, but it was enough for me to look up when the ad was on, thinking, "did I just hear that right?"

Turns out I didn't.

Oh well, back to the baseball game. Giants and Braves tied: 1-1.

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